Thursday, January 7, 2010

Magazines and News Publishers are going iPhone and Tablet

The media landscape is changing rapidly with the introduction of the Tablets (like iSlate), iPhone and Android devices like the Nexus One.

Publishers need to be able to tap into a rapidly growing market of mobile users. The strategy of using digital media to increase paper sales is starting to wear out.

Mobile users demand to have mobile content and will only occasionally go back to the paper version of their loved magazine or news paper.

So what should publishers do to be prepared for this new world of lifestyle devices that will be used for almost everything - including reading magazines and news papers.

Companies like Time Inc and Condé Nast have already demonstrated some magazines on iPhone.

The Top 10 Benefits of publishing Magazines on iPhone / Mobile?
  1. Reach over 30 Million iPhone and iPod Touch users
  2. Reduce paper,carbon footprint and be a ecologically responsible company
  3. Distribution of content worldwide using an excellent Shop Front (iTunes)
  4. Increase advertisement sales
  5. Strengthen brand-awareness
  6. Customer-Loyalty
  7. New revenue streams with product that complements current offering
  8. Tap into Social Media via Facebook and Twitter
  9. Realtime analytics of sales and usage
  10. Lower printing and distribution costs

Solution for Publishing on iPhone and Tablet
There are not many Solutions out there. A complete solution provider is
jellymo for Media and Publishing offers some packages to get started and to explore the new ground of iPublishing.

The jellymo consulting team delivers also custom built solutions for publishers that integrate with the publishing life-cycle. is backed an experienced mobile solution provider. More information at